Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 15

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment

Final session

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

I have enjoyed the past 15 weeks and learned a great a variety of skills that will help me. I have worked on completing my final hand in of my completed Portfolio of work.

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

I will develop my time management skills, as I feel this has been quite a weak area. Also my dyslexia has become very problmeatic while

writing the eassys, so I will find practical ways to deal with this in the future. I will also work on my presenting skills.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

I will research other websites that can help me find ways to deal with it. Through all the knowledge I have gained I am excited about persuing work as a community arts teacher.

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 14

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment

30 min Micro presentations

Group 2

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

It was great watching and particapating in my peers workshops, I have learnt a variety of new skills and ideas of how to present and make an engaging session.

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

I would like to develop my presentation skills as watching my peers, I realised that I do get nervous infront of students, so practice would be good in cambing my nerves. Also using diffenrt teaching methods.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

I am going to research, other engaging teaachng methods and tools.

Group 2 28th May 30 min Micro presentations

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 12

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment


Community teaching/projects.

Maggy Ritchie – Director of ACE (Arts Community Exchange)

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

Maggie explained the background of ACE, which was interesting, listening how she has built up her business. Also ACE has did alot for teh local community and introducing local children to the arts which I found very inspiring.

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

I will research current legislation that surrounds the group of students that i want to teach e.g adults with learning disbailties so that I can have a clear idea of issues of legislation that connects directly to them.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

I will research 5 legislations, and incorporate them into my essay.

Maggy Ritchie – Director of ACE (Arts Community Exchange)

Maggy Ritchie – Director of ACE (Arts Community Exchange)

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 11

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment


What is assessment and why do we need to do it?

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

How  to assess and understand if my student has learned and understood my session. I did a mind map to illustrate the ideas and thoughts surrounding assessments.

I will start off with some clear personal context and then move on to Initial assessment/Diagnostic assessment   then the ongoing formative assessment.   I was a little confused with your summary of Summative assessment.    I am going to think back to strategies used in summative assessment (think about my MA/BA)  what did i have to submit?  How was you graded?

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

I am going to research more about assessment, because I have found it at some points quite confusiing regarding summative and

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

I will Check these up on google/wikipedia.  What is the difference between them and which would you use and why?

assessement_mind map

assessement_mind map

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 13

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment

Group 1

30 min presentations

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

That it is important to have variety of leanring styles. By delivering my mini session. I have leanrt that I can present my session confidnetly even I was nervous.Also planning is a good way to feel in control and present well.

I have also leanrt i can assess through verbal questioning.

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

I used  VARK from the start and work my way through the learning styles in my session : Visual/Aural/Read-Write/Kinaesthetic.

I will develop my practical skills by referring to VARK to evidence my understanding of learners needs and to help design my session.

When preparing my session I will use a selection of visual studying strategies to engage with my students, Also using a power point presentation to incorporate images, text to illustrate the idea of the mind map. The students then used these ideas in their own mind map.

I will  initiated aural study strategies, into the session, where I described the ideas of a mind map to my student’s by using pictures they were then required my to discuss the topic with the other students and I to generate ideas.

When I  created the reading and writing strategies, I took into consideration those of my students who would have preference to reading and writing. I created a handout to explain the fundamentals of creating a mind map.

Those of the student’s how have strong preference for Kinesthetic (doing) learning, I created a 10 minutes activity the incorporated taking all the prior information form the session to create a mind map.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

I will reserach studying teaching techniques from the internet.

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 10

June 29, 2010 § Leave a comment

Learning/Teaching resources Leadership

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

Today I learned about How to asessessement. I feel i need to start thinking about how I will assess the learning with my students, this will help me with the design/planning of your session

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

It gave me ideas of how to implemeting some of my own teaching resources, a key thing that my tutor mentioned was that students DO appreciate the tutor spending time on props. Also using music in the class, could be a very practical way of setting the class at ease.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

When in the class the tutor gave us web links to further get teaching resources.

Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 9

April 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

Kids Company Stress and it’s effects on

adolescent brain development.

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

Today I learned about the other students and there ideas what to use for teaching resources,
the class tutor explained about his successful teaching resources. He used a photgraphic of a specific style of photography called “Daguerereotype” he was a great visual to show the class and worked well as a focal point. Another student used a camera, this was great as it worked in a few aspects, documenting the work, showing the artistist work. Having this as a added prop could be very useful!

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

It gave me ideas of how to implemeting some of my own teaching resources, a key thing that my tutor mentioned was that students DO appreciate the tutor spending time on props. Also using music in the class, could be a very practical way of setting the class at ease.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

When in the class the tutor gave us web links to further get teaching resources.

Functional skills_Mind map

April 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

Mind Map

Teaching Resources_Mind Map

April 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

mind map

Mindmap for the 10 min micro session

April 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

When introducing the class to mind map, I asked them to contribute there ideas to a bigger mind map, everyone gave there ideas on the meaning of ‘london’ . I photographed it as evidence of the session.