Reflective Learning Journal_WEEK 9

April 26, 2010 § Leave a comment

Kids Company Stress and it’s effects on

adolescent brain development.

The main points I have learnt from this session / assessment are:

Today I learned about the other students and there ideas what to use for teaching resources,
the class tutor explained about his successful teaching resources. He used a photgraphic of a specific style of photography called “Daguerereotype” he was a great visual to show the class and worked well as a focal point. Another student used a camera, this was great as it worked in a few aspects, documenting the work, showing the artistist work. Having this as a added prop could be very useful!

How I could develop my practicals skills as a result of this session / assessment:

It gave me ideas of how to implemeting some of my own teaching resources, a key thing that my tutor mentioned was that students DO appreciate the tutor spending time on props. Also using music in the class, could be a very practical way of setting the class at ease.

How I could develop my knowledge and understanding as result of this session / assessment:

When in the class the tutor gave us web links to further get teaching resources.

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